Program areas at National Environmental Education and Training Foundation
Conservationaligned with neef's mission to connect people to the environment, this program area includes engaging people nationwide to visit, improve, and steward public lands and support public land agencies' efforts in conservation and engagement of the next generation of Environmental stewards such as:- National public lands day (npld), the nation's largest single-day volunteer effort for public lands. This celebration brings out thousands of volunteers to help restore and improve public lands around the country. Npld is also a "fee-free day" when entrance fees are waived at National parks and other public lands. The 31st annual npld will take place in 2024.- several grantmaking programs are tied to conservation which focus on biodiversity, public lands access, community engagement and volunteerism, and Environmental Education, including the department of defense's legacy grantmaking program.
Health:neef's health work builds a broad, inclusive coalition of stakeholders to focus on Environmental health concerns and benefits. - through our pediatric asthma initiative, neef provides free Training to healthcare professionals to help them identify the way the environment influences patient health outcomes and provides Training and support to mitigate or encourage those effects.- climate & mental health explores the importance of the outdoor access on physical and mental health and well-being and the potential impact of climate change on these outcomes. Increasing resilience and recovery.- sunwise explores Environmental and health Education program featuring over 50 cross-curricular, standards-based activities that help k-8 children learn about sun safety, ub radiation, and stratospheric ozone.
K-12 educationneef is dedicated to cultivating an environmentally conscious and responsible public through Environmental Education programs and initiatives. At neef, we believe there is much to learn from observing and engaging with the natural world. Our work is guided by our greening stem initiative, which encourages experiential, hands-on, place-based Education as a key to better learning outcomes and a deeper sense of Environmental stewardship. Greening stem: the outdoors facilitates real-world, project-based stem (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) learning. Our online greening stem learning center provides free materials and educator toolkits tied to standards. Climate superstars: an online Environmental challenge for middle school students that gets kids excited about the environment and how they can take an active role in caring for its future.
Campaignsneef is committed to furthering environmentally-responsible behavior throughout the us population. - employee engagement: neef works with organizations on engagement campaigns to increase awareness and support for corporate social responsibility priorities and encourage team members to take action on sustainability at work, as well as at home and in their communities. Neef also convenes corporate thought leaders to assess best practices, conduct sustainability surveys, and create tools to measure the return on investment of engaging employees in Environmental Education and behaviors.- engagement campaigns: neef partners with sports leagues (such as the nba and the nhl), museums, zoos, and aquaria to prompt fans and visitors to take Environmental actions at home. These campaigns are grounded in behavioral science, engage americans in "learning by doing, and demonstrate that collective actions can create large-scale impacts.
Public outreach:public outreach works to understand and market to neef's audiences. Neef develops and disseminates practical and informative information through its website and monthly newsletters - the neef connect and ee in focus- as well as sharing relevant information through its social media channels and traditional media.