Program areas at National Forum for Black Public Administrators
Forum - since 1984, nfbpa has held an annual conference each april, which attracts more than 1000 african american Public officials for an intensive training program on skills-building and professional development. The Forum is recognized throughout the industry as one of the most important training activities available to Public Administrators. It is widely acclaimed for the intense training opportunities provided and the caliber of National experts featured. As part of Forum, nfbpa also awards academic tuition scholarships to full-time undergraduate and graduate students. Forum 2023 occurred april 26-30, 2023, in minneapolis, mn.$350,650 collected for Forum 2023 was restricted to fy 2022.
Executive leadership institute (eli) - eli was established in 1987 as a program dedicated to grooming african american managers for the rigors of executive positions in Public service organizations. The executive leadership institute has partnered with the georgetown university school of continuing studies since 2020 for eli graduates to receive a certificate in innovative leadership in Public administration.
I4excellence - the i4x is a client-focused center of excellence, a team of consultants and coaches who are experienced current and former Public sector leaders. Our mission is to deliver transformational, custom solutions across the Public and non-profit sectors.
The mentor program is a unique program designed to positively impact the professional development of emerging Public Administrators. The program is an intensive, eight-month initiative with an emphasis on skills building, and in building informally a professional bond between mentors and protgs throughout the program period.the city/county manager's symposium is a dynamic, in-depth, three-day symposium that brings together an exclusive group of local government managers from across the country to learn key strategies and collaborate on effectively addressing key challenges. Guided by members of the top-ranked carl vinson institute of government at the university of Georgia in athens, Georgia, this symposium enables participants to understand how to develop their own strengths and the talents of others to solve complex and rapidly emerging issues; enhance communication, collaboration and productivity among diverse staff, including new ways of managing remote and hybrid teams; build a foundation for effective problem-solving and build organizational unity; improve outcomes through the power of cognitive diversity; leave with a strong peer network and utilize the resources of this network.emerge is a one day in-person conference for students, mid-level Public service professionals that allows conferees to gain practical and transferable skills, learn from experts in the Public and private sectors, leverage lessons learned, and improved networks to impact change personally and professionally. Nfbpa held two emerges in 2023: july 20, 2023, in south Florida, and october 19, september 2022, nfbpa was approved for a one-year grant with the americorps vista program. This was renewed in september 2023. Nfbpa is the recipient of ten americorps vista placements. Americorps vista is a federal program that places its members (vistas) in non-profit organizations across the country designed to alleviate poverty and increase organizational capacity. Vista members are federal government employees but work directly on-site through nfbpa. Nfbpa's ten placements include: one vista leader and two vista members at the nfbpa National office in Washington, dc; four vista members at the south Florida chapter, and; three vista members at the cleveland chapterin 2022, nfbpa was approved for a grant program through the National telecommunications and information administration (ntia). This grant program is run through ntia's connecting minority communities program and seeks to address the inequities in broadband access faced by disadvantaged communities. Nfbpa is partnered with local governments and historically Black colleges/universities in three sub-grants: paul quinn college, morgan state university, coppin state university. I4excellence serves as the project manager of this grant february 2023, nfbpa was awarded an environmental justice thriving communities technical assistance center (ej tctac) grant. This grant program, administered by the environmental protection agency (epa), is designed to play a crucial role in addressing the environmental and energy challenges that local communities face. Nfbpa is a sub-award partner of the international city/county management association (icma).