Program areas at NJC
Tuition based education courses - 42 courses, 1,946 participants The National Judicial College (The College) conducts courses for judges, court personnel, mediators, and others who perform quasi-judicial and administrative functions in The justice community. Course participants come from all 50 states, u.s. Territories, and numerous foreign countries. The range of programs is extensive, including new judge training, mediation, and administrative law programs, family law and tribal court programs. Courses deal with both civil and criminal law and are held on-site at The College on The campus of The university of Nevada reno, locations around The country and via The web. Through its programming, The College works to improve Judicial knowledge, court administrative skills, and productivity and to inspire judges to achieve Judicial excellence. Among The courses offered in 2023 were: Judicial writing, civil mediation, general jurisdiction, essential skills for tribal court judges, administrative law: advanced, administrative law: fair hearing, special court and special court advanced, Judicial renaissance, handling capital cases, advanced evidence, restorative justice, decision making, mindfulness for judges, The anti-racist courtroom, and Judicial academy: a course for aspiring judges. The College was also able to offer several webinars on core skills for judges.
Extension programs - 39 programs, 1,948 participants. In addition to providing tuition based education courses, The National Judicial College provides custom designed Judicial education programs to meet The individual needs of The court systems, associations, state Judicial education bodies and administrative law agencies throughout The country and sometimes internationally. In 2023, The College delivered 39 classes nationally and outside The country like korea.
Grant supported programs - 23 programs, 1,306 participants. The College receives funding through The u.s. department of justice , u.s. department of transportation (its cognizant agency), and The state justice institute in support of training and research projects addressing The administration of justice and The rule of law. In 2023, The College designed programming, publications, and websites, provided technical assistance to The justice community and conducted educational programs including: The traffic case: a course for nonlawyer judges, managing cases involving commercial drivers licenses, ethical pitfalls for municipal judges, human trafficking, impaired driving in indian country, and drugged driving essential for The judiciary. Additionally, The departments of justice and transportation help support attendance at tuition-based courses by supporting participant travel costs when state and local funding is not available.
Special and innovative programs - 6 programs, 614 participants. There were six special and innovative events held in 2023, including: annual justice ruth bader ginsburg lecture, civility in The legal profession, what judges need to know about extreme heat and human health, dividing The waters - The sackett decision. Event expenses are reflected under special and innovative programs. No tuition revenue were recognized and received for The events.