Program areas at NMSI
The college readiness program is a comprehensive approach that increases teacher effectiveness and student achievement through training, teacher and student support, open enrollment, and awards. The program dramatically increases the number of students taking and passing ap Math, Science, and english exams, and expands access to traditionally under -represented students.
The aligned program supports districts. Allowing them to implement a comprehensive stem pathway in grades k-12, which includes curriculum integration and professional development.
Laying the foundation is a three-year teacher training program for teachers of grades 3-12, which gives Math, Science, and english teachers content-based, pedagogy-driven, teacher-to-teacher training. The program helps educators with teaching strategies and content knowledge that increase rigor in the classroom.
Nmsi's teacher pathways program transforms the way universities prepare teachers. Developed at the university of Texas at austin to transform the way colleges and universities recruit, prepare, and inspire new Math and Science teachers, this program recruits Math and Science undergraduate majors to pursue a teaching career.