Program areas at NRA
The nra institute for legislative action (hereinafter referred to as ila) advocates on behalf of safe and responsible gun owners. As the foremost protector and defender of the second amendment, the nra promotes firearms safety, advocates against efforts to erode gun rights and freedoms, fights for initiatives aimed at reducing violent crime, and promotes hunters' rights and conservation efforts. Nra members recognize this vital importance of ila's true grassroots work to preserve the second amendment for future generations of shooters and outdoor sportsmen and sportswomen. This legion of engaged and motivated members is the reason for the nra's strength.
Nra membership support includes publications, education and training, field services, competitive shooting, law enforcement, hunter services, member communications services, member programs, member services, and fulfillment of member services. The chief value of nra membership is in gun safety and training along with regular reinforcement of these lessons and principles by keeping engaged with the community of outdoor lovers and safe and responsible shooting enthusiasts. Nra membership support and fulfillment are dedicated to providing nra members with high quality support as well as content delivered through many platforms. Safe and responsible gun ownership remains the cornerstone of everything the Association provides for members.
Nra shows and exhibits include the nra annual meetings and members exhibit hall, held in a different city each year, and other shows around the country. The annual meetings and exhibits are presented as a celebration of american freedom featuring acres of exhibits, premier events, educational seminars and workshops, and fun-filled activities for the entire family.