Program areas at NTBG
Living collections: ntbgs gardens & preserves are safe havens for at-risk species that otherwise might disappear forever. 140 acres are formally maintained. The Garden currently holds 117,332 living plant taxa made up of 1923 species. A horticultural center is used to propogate and maintain living collections of threatened & endangered species of Hawaii & other pacific islands. Many species that are almost extinct in nature have been reintroduced to their habitat by ntbgs botanists. Ntbgs collections are studied by visiting scholars, rearchers and students from around the world. Ntbgs Garden in Florida, the kampong, is the former estate of dr. david fairchild, the famed Botanical explorer. Our Garden in maui, kahanu Garden, is home to the piilanihale heiau, believed to be the largest ancient man-made structure in polynesia.
Education: ntbg believes that education is key for preservation of Tropical plants & ecosystems. Educational tours are offered through its gardens to educate the general public about the need to preserve Tropical forests rich with native biodiversity and to protect our ecosystems & resources that we rely on for our own well-being. In 2022, our Botanical gardens had 105,985 visitors from around the world. Other educational activities include formal and informal lectures for the general public, Botanical illustrators courses, internships, & workshops for college professors, high school teachers & environmental journalists. Science staff regularly provide articles in scientific publications and have published several books on Tropical flora. The loy mccandless marks Botanical library currently holds over 20,000 volumes, 3,000 original Botanical artworks and prints, 6,000 photographs & 16,000 color slides. The library comprises one of the finest collections of Tropical Botanical & horticultural reference collections in the pacific basin. The kampong, in coconut grove, fl is home to the former residence of dr. david fairchild, an american botanist who was responsible for the introduction of more than 200,000 exotic plants and crops in the us. There is also a museum that is a replicate of dr. fairchilds lab.
Science & conservation: this program is focused on protecting & conserving Tropical plants. Our field botanists survey many areas in Hawaii to assess threats to native species & collect seeds & cuttings for propogation, & are either outplanted,preserved in the herbarium or placed in seed storage. Contains almost 17 million seeds of more than 900 taxa. The Botanical research center which is the home for the gardens herbarium & seed bank also contains a rare book library that is temperature & humidity controlled & holds over 1,200 volumes of books-some that date back to the 1500s. These collections are crucial for our research, publications and educational programs. The gardens breadfruit institute manages the largest & most diverse collection of breadfruit species & varieties in the world, with over 120 varieties conserved in field gene banks. The institute promotes the conservation & use of breadfruit for food security, agricultural sustainability & economic development. Ntbg is also a collaborative partner with fiu in the development of the international center for Tropical botany in Florida. The center is designed to educate & bring together botanists from around the world to share knowledge.