Program areas at National Wildlife Refuge Association
Conservation programs- the Refuge Association supports landscape-scale conservation initiatives that secure the ecological well-being of National Wildlife refuges and their surrounding natural systems. The Refuge Association convenes public and private partner agencies, nonprofits and community members, identifies key challenges and opportunities in ecosystem conservation and helps set common goals, and then works with partners to build community support and secure funding from a variety of sources to accomplish Wildlife conservation goals on the ground.
Conservation constituency- building- the Refuge assocaition plays a leadership role in bringing a spectrum of interests together to support conservation action, and specifically the success of the Refuge system. The Refuge Association trains, educates, mentors and organizes Refuge friends groups across the country, engages private landowners, ranchers and sportsmen, and works with community groups surrounding urban Wildlife refuges. Together these constituent groups form a diverse chorus of voices, which the Refuge Association brings together to take action in support of Wildlife conservation needs.
Conservation policy and education- the Refuge Association mobilizes hundreds of local and National partners to address urgent conservation needs, including funding for the Refuge system, loss of vital habitat and natural systems that sustain Wildlife refuges, invasive species, and damaging changes in land use. The Refuge Association chairs a coalition of National environmental, scientific, and sporting groups with a combined membership of more than 15 million people, with the objective of raising awareness of the needs and accomplishments of our National Wildlife refuges.
Communication the National Wildlife Refuge associations communications program is focused on developing and executing branding and marketing strategies to a) communicate programs of the Refuge Association effectively, b) grow and cultivate the constituency of the National Wildlife Refuge system of the united states fish and Wildlife service, and c) enhance the Refuge associations offline and online presence.