Program areas at Neighborhood Leadership Institute
Other NLI Programs - Neighborhood Leadership Cleveland (NLC) is our flagship program for grassroots leadership development. NLC is a 19-week course held January through May. Classes are held on Thursday evenings from 6-9 p.m., with dinner served at 5:30 p.m., and include a leadership retreat, group projects, coaching, and neighborhood tours. Key components of the class include Finding your strengths, values and leadership style Cultural & political history of Cleveland Discovering tools and resources Understanding systems of power Managing conflict and change Power and privilege Participants will come away from the class with a deeper sense of their own purpose as leaders, a greater appreciation for the assets of their neighborhood, and a lifetime connection to the Institute s network of more than 1,500 other grassroots leaders.
Schools As Neighborhood Resources (SNR) - SNR is the largest and most comprehensive school-community initiative in Cuyahoga County. It s a model of school, family and community collaboration that turns schools into community gathering places designed to improve the educational environment and social development opportunities for students and families. We partner with Cleveland Metropolitan Schools and the City of Cleveland to open six school buildings for out-of-school time three nights a week, November through March. Programs inlude recreation and enrichment programs for all ages. All SNR sites are open Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights and all activities are free and open to the public. Participants range in age from elementary school children to senior citizens. Sites include: Collinwood High School; James Ford Rhodes High School; John Adams High School; John Marshall High School and Lincoln West HighSchool.
True2U - True2U is a volunteer mentoring program that helps Cleveland eighth graders explore their true selves, identify their strengths and passions, and connect them to their future. True2U mentors deliver the tools and perspectives that help youth make the most of high school and be successful in college and/or their career path. True2U started in 2015 with just 22 schools, True2U will serve 2500 students this school year in the 8th grade in Cleveland Metropolitan School District, with the support of about 300 volunteer mentors.
Neighborhood Leadership Institute exists to develop grassroots leaders who help rebuild the bonds of community and improve the quality of life for neighborhood residents throughout Greater Cleveland.