Program areas at Neighbors Along the Line
Our organization provides food, medical care, educational services and a variety of other human needs and self-development assistance to qualified individuals residing in tulsa, as well of residents of sand springs. In 2021 we continued our partnership with osu center for health sciences, tulsa responds, 501technet, assistok, and tulsa community work advance. These partnerships allow us to provide additional value to our clients and have collective impact within our community. Our clinic provides free medical services to 316 patients with a total of 346 medical clinic visits as well as assistance with 700 prescriptions filled with 90% at no charge. We provided no cost lab tests, specialty care, diagnostic testic. We provided free food from our food pantry to 4,492 people for 80,000 nutritious meals. Our ged program enrolled 203 new students and 61 received their diploma. Our community accessed the educational resources of our literacy program for more than 3,524 hours for services such as tutoring, computer usage, job search assistance, ged/hiset preparation and testing. Our community activities department offers program services such as utility assistance, holiday assistance, wic referrals, legal help and 12 step programs. This program also offers enrichment opportunities such as life skills classes and community wide events that promote awareness of Neighbors Along the Line services and well-being in the community. We partner with a variety of other agencies to make as many services as possible available from our location.
Neighbors Along the Line helps individuals meet their educational needs and provides opportunities for personal development and increased independence.