Program areas at Neighbors Helping Neighbors on the Main Line
Food security- everyone deserves to know from where their next meal will come and low income should not equate to low nutrition or quality. Through contactless deliveries, nhn distributes fresh produce, meats and basic needs items weekly to 127 households in lower merion township and the immediate vicinity. We're able to discreetly serve hard-to-reach citizens who weren't using pantries for various reasons. Nhn staff members personally help local residents access a myriad of benefits including the supplemental nutrition assistance program (snap), wic, and more; and we take extra measures to provide additional food, baby formula and more until their benefits begin.
Outreach & resource linkage- it is our vision that one day every person will have fair and even access to the resources and opportunities they deserve. At nhn, we want to ensure families feel confident and adequately equipped to self-advocate for increased representation within local government and accessibility to available resources. It is our on-going objective to include the essential voices of underrepresented community members in larger community decisions. Their diverse perspectives and discussions of their needs is essential to creating a more inclusive region. Nhn works with families directly to connect them to resources available through the municipality, commonwealth, and federal government, while working internally to create specialized solutions currently not found in these resources.
Education empowerment-nhn promotes confidence, leadership, and wellbeing for underrepresented youth through their educational journey, while simultaneously informing parents of their rights within the public school system. Consisting of free, in person and virtual programs, our organization offers a holistic approach to after-school and summer education and mentorship. Programs include: 1. Excelling in education: e-squared: - hybrid one-on-one tutoring platform 2. Homework club - after-school support 3. Growing together - youth mentoring program offering field trips, therapeutic sessions, art pop ups, and more 4. Ase ardmore - two-week empowerment camp to identify, celebrate and use the gifts within to prepare for the upcoming school year 5. Back to school bash - offering backpacks and school supplies to over 100 pre-k-12 students, while connecting families to local resources