Program areas at New Alpha Community Development Corporation
We completed the Environmental Training and Sustainable Center and Food Program in Brittons Neck, SC on 7.5 acres of wetland. The ribbon cutting was aired on Good Moring America on April 22, 23. Over 100 people attended from various communities in South Carolina and throughout the southeast. We surveyed over 300 people on the climate change impact on their property, health and ecosystem in this wetland community. The results from the survey was used to create an open source App that can be placed on cell phones and computers. This was done in partnership with Eisengard A.I., LLC We also conducted tours of the Britton Neck community and the Training Center with representatives from several federal agencies and thirteen (13) philanthropic organizations. On October 23,2023 we began training thirty (30) residences and three (3) churches : Bethel AME, Red Hill Baptist and Soul Chapel AME on how to plant and grow pollinator gardens to increase yield of produce. The training was conducted in partnership with South Carolina State University and the South Carolina Wildlife Federation.
We partnered with Eisengard A.I., LLC and The Union of Concerned Scientists to conduct the Trainer the Trainer so that twenty (20) leaders from environmental organizations can used surveys to create open source Apps to address issues/problems in communities related to climate change such as: poverty, renewal energy, and energy efficiency. We conducted face to face training with community representatives from Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, and South Carolina. The training made the trainers aware of US Depart. Energy programs. These programs will provide rebates and tax credits for residential customers, landlords, churches, profit and non-profit businesses. These programs will also reduce energy costs & consumption, thereby reducing carbon and greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change weather related disasters. We identified two (2) churches;. We identified two (2) churches; Kingdom Living Temple (KLT) and Soul Chapel AME and are making plans to install two (2) EV Charging Stations in two (2) high traffic areas. KLT is located in in the urban center of Florence, SC The second one will be located in the rural community of Gresham, S C. Gresham is located one-half mile from a major highway that leads to Myrtle Beach, S C. The drivers of EVs will be able to pinpoint the EV station using an App on their cellphone.
We conducted our food program this year that provided, fresh produce to 5 different communities of over 500 persons each month in the Pee Dee region in South Carolina, such as: Darlington. Dillion, Florence, Marion, Marlboro, Chesterfield and Orangeburg. We continued to hold a monthly webinar titled "Surviving to Thriving" over 1000 people benefited. On our webinar, we had medical and public health officials who dealt with issues such as: coivid-19, hypertension, diabetes, respiratory, cardiovascular diseases, sickle cell, diet and good nutrition, and meditation, etc. We provided equipment such as: blood pressure kits, diabetes testing monitors, peak flow monitors, digital thermometers and other health equipment as requested by the program participants. Up to 730 persons received some benefit from the information and services that were provided. During our July 2023 mid-year retreat, we developed a 3-year strategic plan that included our quarterly magazine "EJ Today", established an online food coop, and restructured our organization to enhance and serve the communities in our geographical area of service