Program areas at New Alternatives for Children
Foster care and adoption programs include specialized foster care for Children who are medically complex, have a developmental disability, hiv, or who have co-occurring medical and mental needs. New Alternatives for Children provides acs-contracted foster care and preparing youth for adulthood services, which teaches independent living skills for youth in foster care. The goal is to assure permanency, safety, and wellbeing. Approximately 50% of nac Children are returned to their birth families and 50% are adopted by their foster family. Children at nac do not age out of foster care and leave with a permanent resource. Nac also has a significant kinship program, and fair futures.
Champions for Children's health program - nac serves as a care management agency as part of the New york state medicaid health home program. With a team of master's level care managers, nac's champions for Children's health (c4ch) program offers individualized case management and care coordination to Children up to age 21 who have significant medical, developmental and behavioral health needs. Champions for Children's health is a family-centered, voluntary healthcare service for nac families and is completely separate from the child welfare system.
Nac preventive services program provides family strength-based services for birth families to prevent the placement into foster care of Children who may be at risk of abuse/neglect. New Alternatives provides intensive family support and theraputic services for the most vulnerable Children in nyc. Services include mental health treatment, psychological testing, group services, and educational services for parents and Children. 98% of nac Children in prevention do not enter foster care. All cases are reviewed in regular clinical case reviews to measure progress and gains. Our evidenced based building blocks programs help families with bonding and attachment issues.
Additional comprehensive programs that provide medical and mental health services through article 28 and article 31 clinics and foster care and preventive after care services to medically complex Children. Programs such as healthy at home, the peter haje center for autism, Children's health homes which provides comprehensive clinical support services to nac families.