Program areas at New Avenues for Youth
Basic needs & safety: when they first come through our doors, they are looking for: a meal, a shower, and respite from the streets. New Avenues meets these basic human needs and establishes a connection, initiating a process of recovery. 15,959 meals were served in our drop-in services center. 181 Youth were provided drug, alcohol, and mental health counseling. The sexual and gender minority Youth resource center (smyrc), which serves the social, safety and resource needs of lgbtiq Youth who are at risk and experience high rates of homelessness served 155 young people. 61 Youth were provided mentoring and support around sexual exploitation or trafficking and 103 Youth were provided runaway prevention case management.
Self sufficiency and prevention services: New Avenues for Youth takes a complete approach to addressing Youth homelessness and its root causes, delivering supports and resources that enable fostering at-risk and homeless Youth aged 9-24 to overcome their barriers and realize their potential. Through direct service, community partnership, advocacy, and data driven evaluation, we help young people exit street life and prevent those at risk of homelessness from experiencing it. In the 2022-2023 program year, 1,324 Youth received basic needs and safety, education & career, and achieving self-sufficiency. Self-sufficiency: for Youth to exit homelessness and those at risk to avoid it, they must develop life skills, set personal goals, and connect to the community. (see continuation on schedule o). Our personalized case management approach to homelessness prevention and intervention helps Youth achieve self-sufficiency and our housing programs provide the opportunity to learn independent living skills. Our case managers helped 306 Youth access supports and services to achieve the goals of their individualized case plans. 96% of Youth exiting case management were safe and secure. Pdxconnect, a suite of programs that helps Youth in foster care who are at high risk of homelessness develop the skills and access resources to transition into healthy adult lives, served 320 Youth. 71% of Youth exiting our transitional housing program moved to safe and stable housing.
Education & career: while the Youth we serve have tremendous potential, high rates of dropout and low levels of employment create imposing barriers to their stability. New Avenues' education, job training, and employment placement programs get them on track for the future. 103 Youth received services in our education program, engaging in activities focused around high school credit attainment, ged and college preparation, and reengagement with learning. 23 Youth either secured geds or were entered into New postsecondary enrollments. Through our promoting Avenues to employment (pave) program, which prepares Youth for employment and careers through job readiness training, mentorship, and other supports. 170 Youth received job and internship placements.