Program areas at New Britain Museum of AmericaN ART
In addition to displaying a selection of its permanent collection, the Museum mounts 10+ changing exhibitions per year.
In addition to its cafe and bookstore, the Museum's visitor service offerings include public social programs that serve as entry points for first time museum-goers, broadening and developing audiences, and cultivating the next generation of Museum supporters, like Museum after dark (mad) parties, first fridays, winter socials, and craft sippin'. Attendees are welcomed, engaged on an accessible level, and incentivized to become Museum members.
Education is central to the Museum's mission engaging nearly half of all visitors in a variety of programs for all ages. School programs included a variety of standardsbased, themed docent-led school tours with related studio activity that support classroom teaching in Art, history, language arts, math and science. Professional development workshops for educators (tours, studio activities, and ideas for integrating American Art into classroom learning). Regular programs for children and families were offered weekly and during school vacations, taught by artists/educators and/or Museum educators and serve children of all ages including community days, homeschool days, and children's studio Art classes. Adult programming consisted of: gallery talks, lectures, symposia, panel discussions, and tours monthly sunday music series. Film screenings weekly adult studio programs: (sketching, watercolors, painting, photography) thursday evening and weekend studio workshops dropin docentled tours of the permanent collections specialty exhibition tours docent-led tours for adult/college groups a regularly scheduled docent training program exhibition openings including student Art show openings and members only previews.