Program areas at New Dharma
New Dharma conducts a year round residential program in Washoe Valley, NV, that is dedicated to providing programming and structure to assist individuals in their spiritual progress and in bringing the teachings into all aspects of daily life. The individuals who live at the Center have been invited by Sat Shree to participate in the residential program. There is a daily program of activities including daily meditations, study, weekly talks, private sessions, weekend programs, and study groups with 6-10 individuals participating in the residential program at any one time. In addition to the residents living at the Centre, 35 different guests participated in the residential program during the year.
The New Dharma maintains a website to make available to the general public live online programs, events and meditations, Sat Shrees recorded talks, videos, writings, a calendar of events, program information and other related material. Sat Shrees recorded talks are also available on YouTube to reach a wider audience.
The programs New Dharma offered remotely and in person in 2022 included6-day and 9-day retreats online 203 in person, 2 6-week residential Third Pilar Immersion retreats, 2 India retreats, 10 Satsangs, 3 Intensives, a SAT weekend, a World Mother Study course, 7 Bhagavad Gita study course, 35 online world awakening meditations. Participation ranged from 12 in person to 1600 online.The Intensives and Silent Retreat programs include meditations, periods of silence, talks, small groups and participation with Sat Shree. The purpose of each Retreat is to explore the nature of consciousness and how an individual can integrate this consciousness into their daily lives. The Silent Retreats are designed to give each individual an opportunity to step out of their lives for a period of time to discover the truth of who they are to give each person time to explore how to integrate what they discover about themselves into their life.