Program areas at New Directions Housing Corporation
Rental properties - provide shelter and site-based social and educational services to aid low income individuals. New Directions connects residents to the resources they need to meet their goals in life, including social services, youth programming, coaching, and group informational sessions.
Home ownership preservation - increase and preserve affordable Housing, primarily in louisville's west end neighborhoods. New Directions mobilizes community-wide resources and had 1041 volunteers this fiscal year to assist low to moderate income seniors and disabled homeowners with essential home repairs. In addition, we provide low to moderate income homeowners with larger home repair opportunities through low-interest or forgivable loans in an effort to prevent and combat the issue of vacant and abandoned properties in our city.
Asset and property management - maintain and preserve rental Housing to help low income households. New Directions provides clean, safe, affordable, quality Housing for more than 900 families and 1,800 individuals of low income, including children and seniors, in our community's most economically disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Resident services, real estate development, community building and engagement, and early childhood development.