Program areas at New Ground
The JumpStart Program (JSP) provides New Grounds intensive Social Work and education services to actively homeless families on Long Island. JSP families meet regularly with their Social Worker to make progress on self-defined goals for future self- sufficiency and independence. Goals focus on education advancement for parents and children, employment, financial literacy skills, career development, health, parenting, life skills, and more. JSP families are homeless and working toward permanent, stable housing. Families are referred by local homeless shelters, school districts, community based agencies, and the Department of Social Services and others.
The Long Term Housing Program (LTHP) assists homeless families to improve various life skills and education levels to increase overall household incomes and then secure independent, self-sufficient futures. Social Workers provide intensive social work services, assisting with creating goals to increase household incomes, improve credit and increase education levels all toward affording a future home. LTHP families reside in subsidized housing units owned and operated by NGIP Inc. Social Workers provide support in areas of self-esteem, problem solving, conflict resolution, parenting, anger management, coping skills, crisis management, career development, employment assistance, financial literacy and more.
The Veterans Program offers intensive Social Work and education services to over 500 homeless Veteran households in Nassau and Suffolk Counties participating in the Northport VA Supportive Housing Program and others on the wait list, as well as Veterans in local shelters. Veteran households meet regularly with a Social Worker to receive comprehensive social work assistance in service areas of Financial Literacy, Career Development, Education Assistance, Education Advocacy, Reading All-Stars, Tutoring and the Adult Workshop Programs. All Veterans create individualized goals to secure stability and future independence.