Program areas at New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation is the state's largest provider of grants to nonprofits and scholarships to local residents. In 2023, that included more than $56 million in grants and program initiatives, including grants to 1,897 nonprofit organizations. These grants support nonprofit organizations that advance health and well-being, environmental protection, education, housing and other basic needs, arts and culture, civic health and economic security. Nearly $8 million in scholarships were awarded to 1,835 students pursing a wide range of educations opportunities, including traditional colleges and universities, technical training and certificate programs, as well as programs that prepare students to succeed in the workforce and in their community.
Expenses for Grant Programs: In the case of these exceptional funds, programs have been created that connect resources made available by generous donors to the goals that motivated their gifts. This expense line includes dedicated staff to execute the intent of the donors, communications to present the goals and work of the funds to the communities they serve, and support for convening to advance these goals.
Special funds: There are a select group of funds at the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation which support focused programs to respond to community needs. These include the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund, which seeks to create and enhance opportunity in the North Country, reserve and uplift the historical and cultural assets that make the region unique and hold the confidence and capabilities to foster strong communities and healthy rural landscapes; the Wellborn Ecology Fund, which seeks to increase knowledge of the environment and natural history of the Upper Valley in New Hampshire and Vermont; and the Artist Advancement Fund, which provides support to an individual artist in the Greater Portsmouth area.(See Schedule O for a continued description of NHCF Special Funds) Other Special Funds include: the Upper Connecticut River Mitigation and Enhancement Fund, which seeks to restore, protect and enhance the watershed near the confluence of the Connecticut and White rivers; and the Oliver J. and Dorothy Penniman Hubbard Fund, which supports efforts to prevent substance use disorders among the state's residents.