Program areas at NHSPCA
the adoption center began returning To pre-pandemic, pre-construction service levels during the period ending march 31, 2023 included direct animal care for 1,314 homeless Animals, including 58 horses! Our shelter serves the local communities as well as the region and accepts transfers from overcrowded shelters nationally. Transfers that had been stopped during the height of the pandemic have now rebounded and the demand for moving dogs and cats north for a second chance is fully back. We welcome Animals ranging from dogs and cats, To bunnies, ferrets, mice, rats and birds, To the horses, goats and potbellied pigs of our farm program. We are one of only two animal shelters in the state of nh that accepts farm Animals, meeting a critical need. the Animals that come To us are here through surrender, as strays, through Cruelty or neglect cases and transports. They are cared for and eventually rehomed. We experience between 94% and 97% live release rate, a high industry average. All dogs, cats and rabbits are spay/neutered prior To adoption and care includes medical care and behavioral support and training as needed. Our adoption process is open and friendly with adoption approval rates well above 90%. Our adoption center is open more than 300 days per year. In addition To adoption and sheltering services, we also offer a safe pet program, food pantry and farm safety net programs, subsidized rabies vaccination clinics for cats and dogs, and are looking forward To once again offering spay/neuter clinics and other wellness services once we have a full-time veterinarian on staff.
the field services division of the New Hampshire spca works To reduce animal Cruelty and neglect and To rescue Animals that are being victimized. Working in conjunction with police departments state-wide, our investigator responds To hundreds of suspected cases of Cruelty or neglect each year. In a typical year, our Cruelty investigator receives approximately 800 reports of Cruelty or neglect. In addition To direct investigative work, our investigator will advise owners of lost pets, providing traps and other tools To help track and capture a scared, lost pet. Our investigator also works with other agencies in the state To strengthen the laws that protect Animals.
the learning center for pets and people provides a community resource for training classes and behavior counseling for privately owned pets. the programming accomplished here ranges from beginning puppy classes through high level agility courses and specialty classes for difficult dog behavior. the focus is on pet retention and building a bond between human and animal. Additionally, our trainers assess the behavior of adoptable dogs and make recommendations about the type of home and family into which they may best fit. In addition To pet education, our learning center is the hub of our extensive humane education programming. In our classrooms, children are taught kindness, respect and caring for Animals by our educators and in the community each year. Programs include children from 2 - 18. Summer camp, animal-centric children's clubs, junior volunteer opportunities, birthday parties and advocacy clubs are all offered here on our campus. Also, on our campus, tours are offered for scout troops, school groups, clubs and daycares, etc. Our educators are also invited To speak To school assemblies, classrooms, library groups and more. All with the same messaging, kindness and caring and respect for every living thing. Additionally, we provide programming for individuals living with memory loss at our alzheimer's cafe. Beginning in 2019, we have been holding these monthly gatherings (stopped during covid) for individuals in all stages of the alzheimer's or other memory impairment, and their caregivers. It is wonderfully rewarding To see the participants connect with Animals, often in ways that they haven't been able To relate in a long time.