Program areas at New Jersey Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics
Mental health- conduct provider engagement in a region-based and statewide operated mental health care program, focused on giving providers support for mental health integration in primary care through access to mental health specialists, including child and adolescent psychiatrists, for consultation and referral services. Provide educational programs for pediatric primary care providers and pediatric specialists participating in nj's regional mental health hubs to ensure appropriate screening, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of children presenting in pediatric settings with mental health concerns. Educational offerings include regular cme webinar and learning collaborative series, as well as in-person events, on varied mental health topics to increase providers' comfort with screening, referral and care coordination by the pediatric practice team.
Trauma-informed aces screening & intervention evaluation (tasie) project (funded by hrsa via a contract with safe & sound) - . Utilizes a toxic stress framework to integrate adverse childhood experiences (aces) screening, and trauma-informed strengths-based interventions to change the standard of pediatric primary care, recognizing the impact of aces on health and effectively treating toxic stress in children. Over the three-year project period, njaap and the center for youth wellness (a program of safe & sound), are implementing the center for youth wellness pilot site program for three cohorts of practices throughout the country. Using project echo, an all teach, all learn quality improvement framework, a series of three 9-month virtual learning collaboratives of pediatric practice teams are being conducted across the united states, ensuring that practices will hear and learn from the on-the-ground experiences of their peers and experts. The tasie project is being evaluated to yield a scalable model for integrating ace screening and trauma-informed strengths-based patient follow-up at practices across the country.
Transforming Pediatrics in early childhood (hrsa) - transforms how pediatric primary care is delivered for prenatal-to-five-year-old (p-5) populations eligible for nj family care or uninsured. Brings together experts in Pediatrics, obstetrics, parents, and healthy steps (hs) practice leaders to improve early developmental and social-emotional health, school readiness, family well-being, and health equity outcomes. Four-year project to a) improve equitable access to a continuum of ecd services in pediatric patient-centered medical homes, and b) improve the capacity of pediatric practices and the workforce to deliver high-quality ecd services that address the holistic needs of children and families. Tpec's model design and implementation are being evaluated to look at qualitative and quantitative data from practice teams, implementation process measures, and patient/family data.
Various other programs including lead poisoning prevention, medical home, mental health, oral health and obesity prevention.