Program areas at NJSACOP
Training and accreditationnjsacop provides multiple educational programs for the development of future law enforcement leaders and accreditation of law enforcement agencies. Njsacop offers a variety of pragmatic, cutting-edge programs and services designed to contribute directly to organizational and individual performance. Njsacop's catalog of courses includes the command and leadership academy, New Jersey Police executive institute, law enforcement executive leadership seminar, and the Police Chiefs in-service training seminar.
Traffic safety grantsthe nj division of highway traffic safety and national highway traffic safety adminstration offer, on an annual basis, State and federal grant funding to agencies that wish to undertake programs designed to reduce motor vehicle crashes, injuries, and fatalities on the roads of New Jersey. Municipal, county, State government and law enforcement agencies, as well as non-profit organizations, are encouraged to apply for njdhts grant funding to address specific, local traffic safety issues.
Examinations of Police officers and trainees since 1945, the njsacop has administered Police examinations as a cost-effective service to New Jersey municipalities. During these years, the njsacop has kept pace with the ever-changing requirements of the Police testing field to ensure the institution and maintenance of the highest standards of Police performance. The questions are developed to test a candidate's knowledge of key law enforcement, criminal justice and administrative issue areas, and can also be tailored for the particular needs of the agency.
Programs are held throughout the year to promote the Police Chiefs organizational goals and strategies and to facilitate communication among the membership.