Program areas at New Life Center
New Life Center provides services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. The emergency shelter is a secure and confidential 104-bed shelter for men, women, and children who need a safe place to live free from abuse. In the fiscal year 2023, the shelter provided 22,528 bed nights to 243 individuals. The shelter provides case management, advocacy, safety planning, and support groups. During this time, 27,798 meals were provided. The program provides for 24-hour crisis hotline support. The emergency shelter houses families for up to 120 days. New Life Center strives to create a trauma-informed space for families to heal from abuse. The emergency shelter has individual rooms for each family for privacy and safety. The shelter campus includes a Child Development Center, playground with splash pad, basketball court, cafeteria, meditation room, and individual office and group space.
Crime Victim Assistance - Victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking receive services via New Life Center's Residential Department (emergency shelter and children's program), and Outreach Department (mobile advocacy, and human trafficking). During fiscal year 2023, 70% of the residents in the emergency shelter were children under the age of 18. During fiscal year 2023, Mobile Advocates provided case management, advocacy, referrals, answered hotline calls, and facilitated support groups.