Program areas at New Life for Haiti
Children sponsorship - New Life for Haiti's child sponsorship program provides the following to each of the over 340 children in the program each school year: private school tuition, uniforms, shoes, books, school supplies, and a hot meal once/week. At the largest and poorest school, students also receive a supplemental snack at school on the 4 days of the week they do not receive the hot meal. New Life for Haiti has built seven schools. Most recently, a fourth addition (7th and 8th grade building) was constructed for the 2022/23 school year.
Feeding programs - New Life for Haiti supplies food aid to the following groups of people in grand anse river valley of Haiti: a. 36 elderly people in three different churches in marfranc weekly. They are supplied with beans, rice, oil and spaghetti. B. 19 orphans and the 4 women that care for them at the village of hope orphanage. All food is provided to them on an ongoing basis, daily. C. approximately 1,020 students are fed a hot meal weekly at seven different schools, during the 9 months of the school year. D. at christmas time, a meal is provided for the disabled and elderly in the marfranc community.
The village of hope home for children the village of hope currently houses 19 children who are either orphaned or have been permanently displaced from one remaining parent. Children ages 4-18 at the village of hope are provided with all services typically associated with child rearing: housing, food, clothing, education at an on-site school, medical care, social services, church, recreation services, mentoring, and the care of loving attentive adults.