Program areas at New Opportunities
Energy programs: energy programs includes Connecticut energy assistance program, water assistance program, and weatherization services. Connecticut energy and water assistance programs provides heat and water assistance for low-income renters and homeowners. 50,031 people received assistance with their utilities bills under Connecticut energy and water assistance programs. Weatherization services provides help to households to decrease energy consumption. 239 households were able to decrease their home energy consumption by using weatherization services
Community services: community services provides work readiness assistance, employment training, coronavirus aid, and case management services for low-income individuals. Operates three family development centers in waterbury, meriden, and torrington, Connecticut. 1,143 low-income people received academic or employment training. Also, 2,231 individuals received case management services.
Elderly: elderly program includes nutritional services by providing hot meals to senior citizens and homecare services, including retired senior voluntary program, foster grandparent program, senior companion program and others. 3,000 senior individuals received prepared meals during the year and 2,405 individuals/families received food during the year.
Early childcare: early childcare program provides daycare services to children whose parents work. 399 children ages 0 to 4 year old were provided daycare services during the year.
Housing: housing programs included emergency shelters, permanent housing, rapid rehousing, and justice program providing alternative housing for individuals progressing through the judicial system. 1,103 low-income individuals/families received assistance in obtaining adequate, safe, and affordable housing.
Ct food 4 thought (ctf4t) provides safe, clean "green jobs" to members of the community in the emerging field of hydriponics. Specifically, ctf4t offers job Opportunities to individuals with intellectually disabilities, those previously incarcerated, and those who are unemployed as a way to provide a path to higher level employment Opportunities in both this industry and others, such as: the field of nutrition, food safety, environmental mangement, and horticulture. In addition, ctf4t provided over 140,000 four ounces contianers of lettuce to local communities including food pantries throughout Connecticut to economically disadvantaged individuals and 44 grocery stores.