Program areas at New Pioneers For A Sustainable Future
Community education: Objective: To use every creative means possible to raise community awareness of the interrelationships among ecological, economic, and social! sustainability and the importance of making sustainable choices in homes, businesses schools, churches, and local governments. To accomplish this objective, we used the following program services: forums local Cable Tv (viewership 42,000); active visible presence via booths at community events website and Facebook presence (est 300,000 hits/reaches); organized the Springfield Green Festival (est 1,500 present); publicity in local newspapers (readership 13,500); networking with other organizations (1,500) ooo nance
Sustainable Lands Project: Objective: To bring together select non-profit owners of large land-holdings in the region to assist another in determining optimal short-term and long-term means of conserving their lands for the future. To accomplish this objective, we used the following program services: Organize and plan meetings of reps of 7 local organizations representing some members; manage communications; maintain connections; bring in presenters; connect with resource organizations motivate; create videos available to 3,400 members of international, national, regional, and local groups
Strengthen organizational capacity: Objective: To reach out to the focal arts to and other organizations to add their strengths the effort to build a swonger movement toward community sustainability. To accomplish this objective, we used the following program services: Empty Bow! Supper made possible by the gifts of local potters, soup chefs, musicians, and poets Former Board member breakfast to help with membership drive (30); eco-celebrations in 3 local homes which featured food artists musicians, poets, and farmers (75 totaly