Program areas at New Reach
With regard to prevention, New Reach's high-quality and collaborative eviction prevention services help low-income households to avert eviction and any associated trauma, to build strong support systems, and ultimately make homelessness rare. New Reach's case management services are strengths-based, person-centered, and trauma-informed using the most progressive evidence-based practices that promote client choice, long-term independence, and housing stability.
Under the housing umbrella, New Reach's supportive housing program (psh) benefits those who have experienced homelessness or were at risk of becoming homeless by coupling housing subsidies with ongoing case management services and supports designed to achieve long-term stabilization making homelessness one-time. Well-trained in multiple evidence-based practices, psh staff foster independence while meeting the individual needs of households served.
Under New Reach's crisis services umbrella, the aim is to make homelessness brief. New Reach's services in the following programs use a housing first philosophy of care and evidence-based practices to accomplish this. The emergency shelter program (esp) has the capacity to serve 23 women with children and 18 individual women every day (24/7) who have experienced homelessness by providing two safe, secure, and supportive places to stay. The residences are located in New haven, ct and serve guests from the greater New haven region. Esp guests have access to onsite case management, donated food, a kitchen, laundry appliances, a computer lab, hygiene essentials, diapers, clothing, and furniture upon exit. The agency's rapid rehousing program provides rental assistance along with the delivery of short-term case management services to at-risk residents who have experienced homelessness in both fairfield and New haven counties. Working to make homelessness brief, New Reach's integrated care program (icp) is a collaborative effort with yale New haven hospital that serves women who are homeless, have co-occurring disorders, and a high hospital utilization. The icp team is proficient in helping clients connect with innovative housing options and supportive services that best meet their unique needs. The furniture co-op helps those exiting homelessness to make their housing a home by delivering gently used furnishings. Case management in all programs connects guests to needed services and resources like housing, entitlements, employment, education, financial counseling, healthcare, childcare, and other resources.