Program areas at New River Health Association
Health care services, including medical, lab, x-ray, behavioral health, and dental are provided regardless of ability to pay. There were approximately 20,573 patients served. Uninsured patients are charged on a sliding fee basis based on household income. In this fiscal year charges of $1,140,527 were sliding fee adjustments written off as charity care and the cost for charity care was approximately $1,059,000.
The Parents as Teachers program is an in-home education program that enrolls women during pregnancy and serves that family until the child enrolls in Kindergarten. Home visits are completed monthly with 12 to 24 visits annually. Home visits are designed as partnering with families to increase parent knowledge of child development and encourage positive parenting practices, provide early development delays and connections to needed services, prevent child abuse and neglect, increase children's school readiness for success, improve parent, child, family health and well-being, improve family economic well-being, strenthen community capacity and connectedness, all to promote the improved health and well-being of families with young children.
Black Lung Clinic providing health care geared toward breathing problems, especially for active and retired coal miners. There were approximately 452 served. This number is one third of the number served in the prior year due to COVID 19.