Program areas at New York City Urban Debate League
Debate tournaments - we hosted scholastic Debate tournaments every month serving over 300 students (middle school and high school), teachers, parents and volunteers. We provide breakfast, lunch, workshops, judge training, 3-4 rounds of Debate competitions, and an awards ceremony.
Debate camp - students in grades 3-4 will focus on the development of their public speaking skills and students in grades 5-8 will learn and/or work on the development of the parliamentary Debate skills.
Msqi initiative -in 2014, the New York City Urban Debate League and the New York City department of education partnered up to bring curricular Debate and after school Debate programs to over 100 New York City middle schools to close the achievement gap. The msqi Debate initiative uses an evidence based argumentation curriculum to increase student literacy, writing, public speaking, and critical thinking skills. The nycudl team provides schools with on site teacher training, Debate resources, workshops, and monthly Debate opportunities for msqi students. Preliminary results show substantial gains in literacy for students participating in Debate versus their peers who do not participate in Debate.
1. Club membership: the Debate club is a club that we offer on saturdays to everyone regardless if they're a student from one of our registered schools or not. The varsity club is a weekday practice session for our registered schools' students. It's an extension of Debate club.