Program areas at COAC
Since 1992, coac has been providing assistance to parents to plan for the future of their Children and avoid placement into the foster care system. To do so, coac has been providing joint legal and social services to families to improve their quality of life and ensure a stable home and future for Children. Coac's vision is to ensure that every child has a permanent, loving, and nurturing home and family.
The New York city family permanency center serves post-adoptive families. All services are available in english and in spanish to eligible families living in the five boroughs of New York city, and include:crisis intervention and information through coac's telephone warm lineindividual and family counseling in the home, in the community and at the coac officereferrals for mental health serviceslinkage and coordination with other needed services in the communitycoordination with coac's legal services for families affected by hiv/aidssupport groups and educational workshops for parents and caregivers and for youthrecreational and cultural group activities for families and youthreferrals for youth to mentoring, tutoring and employment programs
In 1992, coac initiated the first independent service offering assistance to aids-affected parents to plan for the future of their Children and avoid their placement into the foster care system. Since that time, coac has been providing legal and social services to families living with hiv/aids in order to improve their quality of life and ensure a stable home and future for Children. Coac has continually expanded over the years to meet the demands of its participants. We provide a wide range of supportive and therapeutic services within our family circle of support, helping hands, bridge to wellness care coordination, and New benefits counseling programs.
The organization proactively identifies, develops, recruits, stabilizes and strengthens family systems to provide permanent, loving and nurturing homes to all Children. Coac's vision is to ensure that every child has a permanent, loving and nurturing home and family.