Program areas at NYUL
Employment and career services prepares under and unemployed New yorkers for entry and re-entry into a highly competitive job market through job readiness workshops, skills training, and placement services. 175 job seekers registered for The career preparation institute for The full job readiness program, resume writing, mock interviews, career assessment, technology skills workshops, and counseling. 28 residents were placed in full-time and part-time jobs.
The New York Urban League capacity building program consists of The communities of color nonprofit stabilization fund which provides capacity building grants and training to emerging and seasoned social service organizations. The Urban League administers $1,100,000 in capacity building grants (max sub-grants = $45,000) and technical assistance into 28 community based organizations who work in The five boroughs of New York city.
The college readiness program, based on national Urban League program model, project ready, provides a workshop series for high school students focusing on college admissions, financial aid, scholarships, freshman year, and succeeding on standardized exams, among other topics. More than 300 students were served in The college readiness program at two high schools in The bronx. Scholarships are awarded to select graduating seniors through our whitney m. young, jr. The annual hbcu fair helps students find The right college. The youth leadership program assists students in becoming agents of change in their local community.
The small business support center (sbsc) - The center was designed to respond to The critical needs of black and latinx small business owners in nyc who have been negatively affected by covid-19. Our goal is to provide support services and resources to 100 businesses in bedford stuyvesant and harlem. The primary objectives of The center are as follows: (1) to provide counseling and coaching/mentoring (2) to develop and expand e-commerce activities (3) to provide financial literacy workshops/training (4) to provide a platform for communicating and exchanging covid-19 information, resources, and strategies to pivot and grow (5) to help meet The capital needs of black businesses by providing loans and grants. The diversity & inclusion lab - The nyul diversity & inclusion lab is where chief diversity officers and others collaborate, share best practices, and build a platform of diverse talent which members of The lab can draw from for their own talent searches. The lab will leverage nyul's long-term relationships with historically black colleges and universities, our whitney m. young, jr. scholars, and our young professionals to create a fully digitized platform to help match job seekers of color with corporations that are committed to diversity.