Program areas at Newburgh Armory Unity Center
Saturday morning enrichment programing:the saturday morning enrichment program (smep) is the cornerstone of the nauc's mission to provide high-quality academic enrichment and early childhood literacy programs to the children and families of the Newburgh enlarged city school district. Children in pre-k through sixth grade participate in reading, writing, math, engineering, natural science, computer science, and the arts with the goal of developing scholastic ability, life skills, and emotional intelligence. The nauc also offers sports programming to provide skills and increase development, as well as to introduce leadership skills and team building. The program is a collaboration between the Unity Center, the city of Newburgh, the county of orange, nonprofit organizations, parents/guardians, students, and hundreds of volunteers. All of our programming is free to participants.
Basketball leagues: the all-city wide basketball team is comprised of four co-ed teams for children aged 5-18. The program runs on weekends and on weekday evenings in 12-week sessions. Along with skills training and drills, teams play each other each week. Approximately 240 youth participate in each session. All of our programming is free to participants.
After school program: nauc has implemented several programs for elementary, middle, and high school students each weekday after school that allow us to serve a much broader population and offer more in-depth learning than our one-hour classes on saturday mornings. Our after-school programming includes literacy tutoring, coding classes, in-depth subject programming, a math club, restorative justice circles, homework help, and a boy & cub scouts program. All of our programming is free to participants.