Program areas at Newview Oklahoma
Employment - Newview is the largest employer of blind and low-vision individuals in the state of Oklahoma, with individual employment opportunities offered nationwide. The organization operates a manufacturing facility in Oklahoma city, producing goods for military and governmental entities including shower curtains, aircraft wheel chocks, forestry service fire hoses and packaging of first aid kits and rations. Direct service contracts utilizing blind labor include mailroom operations for the irs and the us navy, switchboard operations at travis afb, and box reclamation at tinker afb. Blind individuals are employed throughout the organization, from front-line to executive level positions. Nationwide, Newview has nearly 200 employees, 75% of whom are blind.
Community programs - encourage collaboration, instill confidence, and challenge perceived limits. Owl camp (oklahomans without limits) is two separate week-long camps. 25 campers 8-14 years of age are paired with sighted buddies from local high schools. 15 campers 15-18 years of age attend a camp with a higher emphasis on learning healthy, independent living skills. Creative visions art program sessions and other support group activities promote independence, self-confidence, and provide an opportunity to share useful information.
Comprehensive vision rehabiliation - Newview operates two centers for low-vision and blindness - one in Oklahoma city, and one in tulsa, Oklahoma. Serving clients from birth to death, Newview's vision rehabilitation services program provides specialized services and support that enables visually impaired individuals to achieve greater independence, including: 1) comprehensive, highly-specialized, vision rehabilitation including optometry, occupational therapy, and orientation and mobility; 2) training in core skills needed for a stable home environment, such as cooking, personal organization, reading mail and financial management; 3) techniques for independently and safely navigating home, neighborhood and work environments; 4) instruction in computer technology; and 5) job assessment, placement and training that enables the client to compete successfully for a job, remain employed, and advance in the workplace.