Program areas at Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence
Self-sufficiency case management - clients receive comprehensive, survivor-defined case management To assist each client in reaching personal self-sufficiency goals based on eight (8) domains: income, education, housing, food, employment, healthcare, wellness, and Domestic Violence (abuse/safety). Clients also receive crisis counseling, safety planning, and have access To workshops in the broader subject areas of financial literacy, advance training and education, and job readiness. Services provided at community office and homesafe (longterm housing provided by charities housing and lifemoves). (continued on sch. O)support groups - clients receive peer support aimed at building individual resilience and self-esteem in a group setting. Each group is ongoing and facilitated by two advocates. Eleven (11) support groups are offered virtually and include five (5) offered in english, four (4) groups offered in spanish, one (1) for male survivors, and one (1) for lgbtqiap. All eleven (11) support groups are currently offered virtually.youth and family - clients receive support services, advocacy, peer-counseling, and interventions that allow the family To heal while avoiding the negative, long-term impacts of exposure To violence.teen support groups - two groups, one for ages 10-14 years and one for ages 15-18 years. Teens experiencing trauma due To exposure To dv participate in weekly groups led by trained facilitators and explore topics of healthy relationships, communication, conflict resolution, boundaries, self-esteem, and stress club - on hiatus as support groups have remained virtual this year.therapy - provided by licensed therapists, clients receive/attend sessions individually or as a family. Therapeutic orientations depend on the client, situation, and timeframe. Families are assisted in increasing stability and ability To feel confident in parenting during transitions from pre- To post-violence through increased support.housing - working with an organization advocate, clients increase access To, and retention of, safe permanent housing. Services include tailored case management, rental assistance, and supportive services that are directed at addressing various life domain barriers, i.e. Income, employment, health, that may contribute To the client's risk of homelessness.
24 hour emergency servicesthe shelter Next Door - clients receive safe respite from potentially life-threatening abuse including shelter, food, toiletries, medicines, links To emergency cash aid and food stamps, peer counseling (case management), housing assistance, financial literacy screening, and emergency transportation. The shelter houses approximately 19 people at any one time.24/7 crisis hotline - callers receive a live-voice response from a bilingual advocate 24 hours a day, seven days a week; interpreter services are available for other languages. (continued on sch. O)services received include peer crisis counseling, information, and referrals To other social service agencies as needed.
Community and systems advocacywalk-in crisis counseling - clients receive services from an organization advocate including safety planning, risk assessments, advocacy, restraining order assistance, support, and services - working with the organization's advocates and contracted attorneys, clients receive legal assistance with temporary restraining orders, court accompaniment and other Domestic Violence related court hearings, family law matters and immigration services.
Preventiondomestic Violence and healthcare initiative - in collaboration with formal healthcare systems, local community health clinics and the east san jose peace partnership, the organization provides community outreach and education on dv's impact To the health and well-being of survivors, children, and youth; technical assistance To health clinics for conducting dv screenings and training's for clinical staff To advance universal knowledge of the larger impact of dv on health, and To promote the practice of providing universal education To all patients who come To healthcare providers, not just screening for outreach initiative - the organization with the help of the survivor advisory group, "el comite de mujeres fuertes" (committee of strong women) conduct education and training on Domestic Violence in the broader community. The group has undergone training as community health workers (promotoras) and is partnering with stanford medical school To develop a training of trainers for promotores on the intersection of Domestic Violence and covid 19 specifically targeting the latinx community. Men, boys, and gender-based Violence initiative - deliver "coaching boys into men", a Violence prevention program from futures without Violence, leveraging coach and young school athletes' relationships, focusing on respect for themselves and others - particularly respect for women and girls.