Program areas at Niswonger Foundation
Project on track is a high-dosage/low ratio tutoring program for students in grades 1-8 in the areas of literacy and mathematics. This form of tutoring is an evidence-based practice that helps schools address learning gaps and accelerate learning through more intensive and personalized support for students. More than 6,000 students received these services during fy 2022-23.
Ap (advanced placement) access for all provides students across Tennessee with the opportunity to access free virtual ap courses, educational resources, and individualized teacher support from licensed Tennessee educators, and opportunity for ap course testing. Current ap teachers have access to advanced professional development. Teachers interested in becoming ap trained teachers are supported in reaching that goal. More than 3,000 students and 800 teachers were provided the benefits of this program in fy 2022-23. Twenty-one ap courses were available to Tennessee's high school students.
Stem ld (science-technology-engineering and mathematics learning design) targets students and educators in grades 6-12. The project provides in-person and virtual stem-rich environments for students to accelerate learning and be exposed to stem fields, leading to positive student outcomes and potentially meaningful employment in the workforce post high school. There is an intensive effort directed towards professional development for educators and opportunities for early post-secondary opportunities for students.
Niswonger i3 partnerships-consortium fee-a college and career consortium of 15 school districts and 30 secondary schools to serve 27,000 students
Niswonger i3 partnerships-online seat fee-students in all 30 consortium high schools had the opportunity to choose from over 45 online classes-served over 3,200 students
Scholarship remission-student loan receivable for tuition, room and board and for books and supplies
Other income- income for the educational expenses of the Niswonger Foundation