Program areas at Nonprofit Connect Network Learn Grow
Educationa. Educational programs - professional development programs are offered to meet the diverse training needs of boards of directors, executive directors, advanced professionals, volunteer managers, fundraisers, operations, communications, funders and young professionals. B. connext, for emerging Nonprofit leaders - promotes the recruitment, development and retention of young professionals in the Nonprofit sector to support and enhance a strong dynamic Nonprofit community.
Resourcesa. Membership - when a Nonprofit joins Nonprofit Connect, it is connected to a Network of 800 members that spans all budget sizes and activity areas in the metro. Because of our expansive membership base, Nonprofit Connect draws upon the expertise and knowledge of this Network to develop programs and services that inform, promote, Connect and strengthen individual nonprofits and the Nonprofit sector.b. Website - the website at is the region's Nonprofit career headquarters, offering one of the premier Nonprofit job information portals on the web. On any given day, over 200 job openings are posted on joblink, which receives an average of 150,000 page views per month. Another popular portal on the website is the foundation directory, a benefit provided to members, which is a searchable database of nearly 1,000 funders that make grants in greater Kansas city. Members are also encouraged to access the e-learning center to discover on-demand training, best practice toolkits, and videos on a variety of topics especially created for Nonprofit professionals.
Eventsa. Philanthropy awards luncheon Nonprofit Connect's largest event and only fundraiser, now in its 38th year. The luncheon honors the philanthropist, business philanthropist, volunteer and Nonprofit professional of the year, as well as those emerging in philanthropy, excellence in collaboration and impact. This event, held every may, gathers 1,000 members of the for-purpose and non-profiNonprofitit community.b. Philly awards - the philly awards recognize nonprofits and their creative partners for excellence in marketing and communications. This event is held annually in the fall.