Program areas at CASL
North Carolina FC Youth (ncfcy) provides positive, high quality Soccer opportunities at all levels of play for Youth (ages 4-18) and their families. Ncfcy offers introductory, intermediate, and advanced levels of play, which on average, serve more than 16,000 players each year across the greater triangle Area. Through age and developmentally appropriate programming, ncfcy teaches the skills needed to play Soccer, which in turn allow Youth to learn teamwork, respect, sportsmanship, building self-esteem and confidence, and the importance of physical activity among many other traits gained through participation.
As part of ncfcy's mission, we are committed to being a valuable community partner by providing a safe environment for Youth to learn and grow and hosting events that benefit our community. In addition to traditional League play, ncfcy offers Soccer outreach programs designed for Youth in our community often underrepresented in the Youth Soccer setting. Combined, all outreach programs open up the game to nearly 1,000 Youth who would otherwise not have the opportunity to play. As part of our community impact, ncfcy hosts more than 10 Soccer and non-soccer events throughout the year. We are proud to host the Area's largest annual sporting event, the showcase series (a 4-weekend Youth Soccer tournament series), that brings in more than 1,000 teams each year and generates an estimated $24 million in direct visitor spending.
Ncfcy owns and operates wral Soccer park, a 22-field sports complex, in addition to utilizing over a hundred other fields through leases and/or rental agreements with public and/or private entities (e.g., municipalities, school systems, private facility owners, etc.) To host practices, games, camps, and tournaments. Through partnerships, ncfcy invests in the development of new fields, maintenance of existing fields, and field and facility upgrades.