Program areas at NCRGEA
Ad&d insurance covers all members of the Association during the 2022/2023 fiscal year. Carrier paid 10 claims to members' estates totaling $140,000.
Ncrgea's district meetings: face to face meetings were held in the fall of 2022 and spring of 2023. More than 700 joined us in locations in winston-salem, shelby, fayetteville, morehead and hendersonville. For spring, in addition to the district conferences, local outreach meetings were held around the state. In may, a legislative event was held in raleigh for members to meet with their representatives.
Living power, ncrgea's newsletter, was sent to over 66,000 members six times during the fiscal year, either by us mail or electronically (over 3,300 electronic mailings per issue). The Association continued mailing newsletters to all new retirees for the first 6 months of their retirement, whether they joined the Association or not. Additionally, the newsletter is mailed to city and county managers, hr personnel, colleges, universities, and community colleges. Pertinent information included in the newsletter for state and local government retirees include updates on North Carolina legislative happenings, state health plan information, updates on medicare and social security, and other issues of importance for these retirees and prospective retirees.