Program areas at North Carolinians for Home Education
NCHE's annual conference offers seminars, instructional resources, and access to college recruiters (a "college fair"), along with a high school graduation ceremony to support the homeschooling community. In 2023 the conference had 90 educational seminars conducted by 40 speakers. In addition, 31 vendor workshops were put on by some of our 119 vendors to familiarize potential, new, and continuing home educators with available material and techniques. The conference was attended by 4,650 people representing 1,525 families. In addition, 225 graduates and their families and friends took part in high school graduation ceremonies.
NCHE uses print and digital media (magazine, on-line show, newsletter emails, social media, webinars, blog posts, website, etc.) to inform members and others about topics of interest and keep them abreast of resources available to homeschoolers. NCHE has over 31,000 Facebook followers. 15,000+ newsletters are emailed weekly. About 6,000 issues of our magazine were mailed to our 2,000 core member households. Our "radio" show has over 800 subscribers on YouTube, where original and rebroadcast shows are available.
The NCHE Athletic Commission organizes and administers regular season leagues and post-season tournaments in the traditional high school sports. These teams compete against other homeschool, private school, and public-school teams. Sports covered typically include Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Fencing, Soccer (Boys and Girls), Swimming, and Volleyball. In 2023 NCHE provided opportunities for 135 teams and 1,796 student athletes in eight different sports.
Program Services other than the top three include: (1) educational programs (field trips, chess tournaments, scholarships) to provide educational opportunities and encourage graduates going on to a secondary education, (2) conferences, meetings, and other support for the multicultural community and those educating children with special needs.