Program areas at North Georgia Christian Academy
Academic programs: North Georgia Christian Academy services over 270 students from pre-k 3 through 12th grades, emphasizing the development of the heart, mind, and soul with a rigorous and engaging curriculum. Bible is taught at every grade level and is integrated in all learning. All teachers employed by ngca are state-certified, and ngca is fully accredited by the Georgia accrediting commission.
Extracurricular programs: North Georgia Christian Academy offers clubs including future farmers of america, national beta club, fellowship of Christian athletes, drama club, and mock trial competition. Ngca also offers service opportunities partnering with local community organizations and special extracurricular events such as spring flings and a high school formal.
Athletic programs: North Georgia Christian Academy strives to offer athletics with character through effort and attitude. Our program seeks to help our student-athletes develop skills that will enhance the talents that god has given them. We desire to teach and train our student athletes to hold themselves to a higher standard both in and out of play. We focus on the values of respect, teamwork, leadership, social interaction, and competition. Ngca is a member school of the Georgia Christian athletic association and offers basketball, volleyball, cheerleading, cross country, baseball, golf, and soccer.