Program areas at North Shore Community Development Coalition
Youth programs - the major component of the youth programs is youthbuild-north Shore, a workforce and leadership Development program which provides academic and workforce training to out-of-school youth, ages 16 to 24. Program activities are provided throughout the agency's service area in cities such as salem, beverly, peabody, gloucester and lynn.
Real estate Development - nscdc develops affordable housing in salem and surrounding cities and towns. Costs directly attributable to a specific project are capitalized and recorded as real estate project Development costs on the consolidated statements of financial position. Costs not directly attributable to a specific project are expensed.
Rental housing - the rental housing division operates residential apartments which provide affordable rental opportunities for persons of low to moderate income. This division also operates commercial units, providing affordable rents for local businesses.
Community engagement - Community engagement provides residents with walk-in case management through the family success program, which also includes english as a second language classes, free tax preparation, employment assistance, housing stability support and services related to covid-19. In addition, nscdc provides intensive voter engagement outreach including poll monitoring and census support, and is highly active in neighborhood resident meetings, Community resource meetings and much more.
Public art - nscdc is developing a new outdoor museum, the punto urban arts museum.