Program areas at North Side Housing and Supportive Services
Permanent Housing and Supportive servicesnorth Side Housing provides 196 individual units of Housing dedicated to people experiencing homelessness, including veterans and people who have chronic health issues. North Side Housing's units are scattered across the city, which further enhances the model, allowing participants to choose where they live, integrate more fully into the community, and gain independence. All North Side Housing participants can access holistic case management support from expert professionals, including home visits, substance use, mental health, and Supportive counseling, financial coaching, landlord mediation, health education and advocacy, medication management, and any other service the participant identifies as a need.
Day support Services center - in addition to offering emergency shelter and permanent Housing, North Side Housing also opens the doors of its main location in ravenswood on weekdays to serve individuals experiencing homelessness, those who are facing imminent eviction, or those fleeing domestic violence. Dedicated case managers provide Supportive counseling, transportation assistance, and access to the food pantry and clothing closet, as well as help with Housing applications. Over 140 individuals are served annually.
Michael segoviano emergency shelter - located in uptown, North Side Housing's emergency shelter provides inclusive, life-saving, and person-centered Services for over 300 men annually. North Side Housing has one of the few shelters in chicago that operates 24 hours a day for 365 days a year to meet the immediate needs of men experiencing homelessness. The shelter can serve up to 72 men at one time, and provides three meals a day, meets participants' primary needs, and referes participants to employment assistance, mental and medical health Services, and other case management Services as needed.