Program areas at North Suburban Young Men's Christian Association
The NSYMCA strives to build a strong community through the health & wellness of all ages in person and virtually. We provide self-improvement through regular exercise and development of mind, body and spirit with an emphasis on chronic disease and illness prevention. Our youth programs from sports and gymnastics to aquatics center on teamwork and the development of social and physical skills to keep children active and moving in this time of uber technology. Through our Special Services programs we provide opportunities to this "at risk and underserved" population through Cafe Voca, peer buddies, Special Olympics swim team, employment, camps and programs as well as free access to facilities and Special needs subsidiaries. The YMCA provided $232,128 in financial assistance to over 2034 participants to overcome financial barriers in participation in membership, health and well being programs.
Being a community center, the development of the cultural arts for youth through adults is a priority for our community. Through virtual, performing and musical arts the Y is able to educate and provide mental health outlets through the arts encouraging education and growth as individuals. Our arts programs are all accessible to all ensuring inclusion through all programming. We supply financial aid to any participant in need and provided $7,248 to 63 participants.
The Y offers summer day camp and year-round activities where participants are inspired and mentored in a safe environment. The basis of these programs focuses on the healthy development of our youth through fun, exercise, leadership development, social, emotional, and problem-solving skills. The YMCA offers summer camp as well as year-round specialty activities and provided over $67,320 in scholarship and financial aid to more than 828 program participants.
The NSYMCA also provides a variety of childcare programs for out of school time. From afterschool programs, school day out, remote learning and S.T.E.A.M. classes, the Y is able to provide meaningful childcare based on a child development and social emotional learning curriculum. The S.T.E.A.M. program has become a staple in developing Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics throughout the community. The YMCA provided $24,850 in financial assistance to over 180 participants to overcome financial barriers in participation.