Program areas at North Suffolk Community Services
Department of mental health adult Community clinical Services (accs) program assists more than 500 adults with serious mental illness who have been referred by the department of mental health and are in need of support for their recovery efforts. The program is based on the principles of psychiatric rehabilitation, person-centered planning and the belief that recovery is possible. The persons served may live in their own apartments or in North Suffolk owned and leased properties. Each person served works with a team of support specialists who help in the development of an individualized action plan that addresses life goals. The program has specialists in the areas of employment, housing, substance abuse and peer support to support people in their own recovery journey. The accs specialty teams include deaf Services and teams working with chinese, vietnamese and cambodian communities. The teams also have registered nurses to address medical concerns and psychiatry to address mental health issues. The intensity and frequency of Services is flexible to ensure that supports are available to meet person's served changing needs. The program served 568 unduplicated clients for 172,570 units of service. A unit of service consists of one day. The above noted revenue does not include contract and grant funding.
Nscs outpatient Services offers behavioral health and addiction treatment at the chelsea, east boston, revere counseling centers and freedom trail clinic in government center, boston. In addition our child outpatient team offers school based counseling in five schools in our communities. The Services are provided for children, adolescents and adults and include individual, couples, family and group therapy. In addition we provide psychiatry Services including diagnostic evaluations and medication management. Our outpatient Services are offered in english, spanish, portuguese, vietnamese, khmer and american sign language (asl) by bilingual staff.
Department of developmental disabilities and Massachusetts commission for the blind residential and individual Community supports programs serve individuals with development disabilities in staff supported congregate care settings, independent Community living settings, supported employment, day Services, clinical and emergency Services. We utilize individually tailored person centered approaches that support each individual's right to self direct their lives and choose the supports that they may require to remain in the Community. The program served 130 unduplicated clients for 51,804 units of service. A unit of service consists of 24/7 around the clock care. The above noted revenue does not include contract and grant funding.
Nscs child and family Services offers behavioral health and addiction treatment clinical support, prevention Services, case management and school based Services. Nscs operates early childhood Services and family supports for children ages 0-5. Outpatient Services include individual therapy, psychiatry and group therapy Services in clinics located in chelsea, east boston, boston and revere for adults and kids. Emergency Services are provided in winthrop, east boston, revere, chelsea and charlestown which provide 24/7 clinical intervention for behavioral health crisis. Nscs also operates two recovery support centers and peer support and recovery coach Services.
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