Program areas at Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships
Heating electrification market transformation - heating efficiently with renewable electricity instead of directly burning fossil fuels for space and water heating can reduce pollution, lower costs, and support economic development. Improved heat pump technologies, coupled with a decarbonizing grid and state and local government mandates, have created new opportunities to focus policy and programs to significantly reduce the Energy and carbon footprint of existing homes and buildings in the Northeast and mid-atlantic.
Public policy and programs - successful transition to zero carbon buildings and homes will require market transformation with advanced technological solutions and equitable policy mechanisms. Critical policy areas include comprehensive state and utility policy, maximizing federal programs and funding opportunity, building regulation, federal regulation, and robust evaluation, measurement, and verification (em&v).
Building Energy codes and appliance standards - building Energy codes and appliance standards are an essential pathway to reduce demand, Energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions, drive high performance building practices, protect consumers, and grow local economies. These cost-effective regulatory tools ensure that buildings and homes meet and exceed minimum Energy Efficiency performance, resulting in communities that are comprised of healthy and resilient homes that are safeguarded against expensive and disruptive future retrofits.
States and communities; retrofit models; summit; heating electrification workshop; events; grid-interactive homes and buildings