Program areas at Northeast Indiana Positive Resource Connection
Non-medical case management the Positive Resource Connection offers services for persons living with hiv/aids, their families and loved ones, persons at risk for hiv, and the general public. This program links eligible clients to medical care and may assist financially to help cover initial doctor visits, lab fees, and medications until they are eligible for other assistance programs. Implemented in 1996, Positive Resource Connection also offers a food and nutrition program that provides low-income persons living with hiv/aids with food vouchers from the community harvest food bank on a monthly basis. The Positive Resource Connection also provides a nonperishable food pantry to clients in need of food or hygiene items on an emergency basis. In addition, non-medical case management can assist eligible clients with housing, transportation, counseling, addiction harm-reduction, and other issues which are creating a barrier to accessing medical care.
Hopwa program Positive Resource Connection has offered this assistance program for several years, providing eligible clients with long-term tenant-based rental assistance, short-term rental assistance, and utility assistance.
Ctr/prevention non-medical case management, prevention education, and public awareness remain central to the work of the Positive Resource Connection. Positive Resource Connection provides support groups on a bi-weekly basis for persons living with hiv/aids, friends and family members of hiv-positive persons, and spanish-speaking hiv-positive persons and their families. Educational programs, hep c testing and hiv testing services are provided free of charge in a 12 county area.
Parkview clinic the Positive Resource Connection, in partnership with parkview community health, offers programs to assist in the prevention of hiv, aids, hepatitis, and stds and advance a compassionate and stigma-free community response. Education and prep program Positive Resource Connection offers hiv prevention education regarding hiv transmission, treatment, risk reduction and behavior change and hiv testing. Prc also assists those high risk individuals in pre-exposure prophylaxis, or prep. Prep is a pill taken daily and is a powerful hiv prevention tool. Other programs Positive Resource Connection offers a special populations support program that is available to anyone who is hiv+ (you do not have to be a client of Positive Resource Connection) and is interested in exploring options to reduce or cease their substance use/abuse. We also house the syringe services program for individuals challenged with drug addiction but who are proactive in taking steps to reduce their risk of acquiring hiv and hepatitis.