Program areas at Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency
Early childhood programs - head start and great start readiness served 2,812 children and their families by providing education, health, disability, and social services for 3 - 5 year olds in 21 counties.
Aging programs - Service designed to locate, mobilize and manage a variety of home care and other services needed by frail elderly persons aged 60 and older at high risk of entering a nursing home facility. Through subcontracting with Community partners such as councils/commissions on aging, services provided in the twelve county Service area include homemaking, personal care, respite, legal, caregiver, adult day care, medication management, and nutrition programs. These aging programs served 13,462 participants.
Community based care programs - provided assistance to 864 eligible participants in the twelve county Service area of Northeast Michigan. These participants were in need of medicaid-covered long-term care services and support in order to remain in their own home. This program works with eligible persons aged 18 and older who are at-risk of nursing home placement and provides services that are designed to locate, mobilize and manage a variety of home care and other services to ensure the participants are able to stay in their own home.
Community programs - provided services to 5,442 low income and at-risk individuals across a 12 county region. Services include: heating fuel and energy assistance, homeless prevention and rental assistance services, financial empowerment and self-sufficiency, food and commodity supplemental assistance, and home weatherization services. Home weatherization services are comprised of duct sealing and replacement, water heater replacement, furnace replacement, furnace tuning and cleaning services, window sealing, insulation, and education regarding adjustments residents can make that will conserve energy and save on energy related costs over time.
Youth services programs -school success partnership program provided services to 1,055 students formally and 3,760 informally identified as at risk for academic failure; Service area encompasses 10 counties and includes 28 k12 sites, four alternative education sites, two parochial elementary school sites, and one adult education site. More students needed services than anticipated due to returning to school after covid.
Volunteer programs - consists of three programs - foster grandparent program (fgp); senior companion program (scp); retired and senior volunteer program (rsvp). The fgp volunteers provide one-on-one tutoring to students. A low income program (within 200% of poverty) volunteers also need to be aged 55 or older to participate. Scp provide independent living services and/or respite services to seniors which affords these seniors the opportunity to remain independent in their own home and offered increased social support. The volunteer criteria for scp duplicates that of fgp. Rsvp engages the skills, talents, and experience of volunteers to address a wide range of Community needs. Participants can choose how, where, and when they want to serve with commitments ranging from a few hours to 40 hours per week. The result is a positive contribution to the participants Community, while they can also experience better health and longevity by being active in the Community.
Community development - through the weatherization program, 86 homes (representing 172 people) received services; the food programs delivered 33,160 boxes of food and 344 people were assisted through the housing programs by receiving 140 boxes of supplies.