Program areas at Northeast Organic Farming Association Mass Chapter
Nofa/mass organizes two annual conferences. The nofa/mass winter conference and the nofa summer conference. The conferences are curated collections of keynotes, workshops, panel discussions, q & a sessions, meetups, children's activities, vendors, an auction, music, films, dance and wholesome Organic meals. Educational workshops are geared towards farmers, gardeners, homesteaders and activists of all levels that are interested inparticipating in a food system that improves the health of individuals,communities and the planet.
Nofa/mass provides both in-person and virtual educational workshops for farmers, gardeners, consumers and activists on a range of topics related to Organic growing practices and healthy living. Workshops are varied to accomodate attendees with a wide range of skill levels, backgrounds, interests and experience.
Nofa/mass organizes the nofa tristate bulk order, a collective buying program for Organic farm and garden products, on behalf of ctnofa, nofa-ri and nofa/mass. We work with a variety of companies to offer an array of agricultural supplies to nofa/mass members and nonmembers at reduced cost. We are able to keep prices low by ordering directly from suppliers, who often provide nofa/mass withdiscounted rates. Ordering is open from january 1-31 each year and customers can pick up their orders in march and april at various sites across Massachusetts, Connecticut, and rhode island. The bulk order allows people to save money on growing supplies, provides access to hardtofind certified Organic items, and builds connections within the agricultural community