Program areas at Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness
See schedule o.program - litigation: challenge government approvals for mining in the boundary waters canoe area Wilderness (bwcaw) watershed. Activities - continued to support state mera case, which saw the mn dnr release court-remanded findings of fact in may 2023, challenging the conclusions of the dnr on the issue of water quality; contested case hearing expected to take place in november 2024.saw the dismissal of lease cancelation lawsuit brought by twin metals; continuing to track appeal of september 2023 dismissal by company. Program - research project and policy proposals and their impact:monitor corporate and government websites and publications to identify projects related to mining in the watershed of the bwcaw; evaluate or use contract services as needed to assess potential impacts; develop fact sheets and maps on proposals and impacts. Activities continued to implement field studies to establish baseline conditions; provided expert opinion in lawsuits, legal, and administrative proceedings; provided over 90% of data used by Minnesota pollution control agency to include birch lake on impaired waters list, as impaired for sulfate pollution. Anticipate final epa impaired waters list in april 2024.program - educate and engage the public: develop information for general distribution on projects and impacts; distribute via pertinentchannels such as website, social media, news releases, public forums, etc. ; respond to media inquiries; develop other outreach materials and host events for interested citizens. Activities - as information became available or the issue changed, fact sheets were added to the website and distributed accordingly. More than 100 email alerts were distributed to supporter lists. At least 18 press releases published. At least 10 major media publications initiated andpublished. Weekly postings on twitter, facebook, instagram, andlinkedin. Posted at least 25 blogs. Held dozens of public outreachevents in person and virtually. Program - educate elected officials and government staff: develop informational materials; meet with pertinent elected officials and agency staff; advise of project impacts; identify strategic approaches.activities - supported state protection bill. Developed folders of factual information and media clips for dozens of congress people and state legislators. Held approximately 52 meetings in Washington, d.c. with over 25 advocates to educate and advise on project impacts, including with new president of kids for the boundary waters. Testified in congressional hearing against legislation that would reverse administrative protections (public land order, granted in january 2023). Met in-person and virtually with agency officials at blm, usfs, dnr, and mpca. Program - fundraise: host events to raise funds for operations; solicit via social media, email, and website; sell issue-related merchandise; identify and steward individuals and granting entities for donations and grants.activities - raised just over $2,700,000 for campaign activities viaevents, internet-based solicitations, individual donations, and grants.program - boundary waters connect economic and community development in Wilderness edge community of ely, minnesota.activities - supported new residents and local businesses, created, sponsored, and facilitated local events (including tuesday group, ely film festival, new resident socials), stayed current and facilitated conversations on data, trends, and best practices among economically successful rural communities.