Program areas at Northern Kentucky University
Public service grants provided funding for a number of programsincluding: updward bound program, educational talent search, kheaacollege coaches and federal college coaches, Kentucky collegecoaches on campus and host sites, vista program, chase college oflaw fellows, mayerson philanthropy program, and ew scrippsphilanthropy and internship programs.
Program service accomplishments in the areas of basic and appliedresearch included projects such as the nasa funded helix project,study of cosmic rays and work with nasa on the international spacestation. National science Foundation sponsored Research included astudy of stellar companions, tim consortium of molecular research,technology-centered mathematical noticing, fsml planning grant,heteroarylation of ketones, and search for verifiable complexdiffusion mechanisms.
In the areas of student financial assistance and student services,funding provided support for the federal education program, studentsupport services, financial aid programs including funding forproject soar students, upward bound students, and participants intraineeship in special education.
Non-capital transfers