Program areas at Northern Wisconsin State Fair Association
Provide facilities and services for Northern Wisconsin, including the annual county/regional agricultural Fair. During the 5-day Fair event, 655 exhibitors entered 4,597 exhibits. Fair attendance was 110,000 people with 51 different agricultural-education related activities. Facilities were also utilized for 32 additional events by nonprofit organizations to assist their fundraising goals to meet their missions in the region.
Provided facilities and programs for 4-h & ffa members throughout the year and facilities for chippewa falls public school equestrian team as needed. These programs are conducted from april through october. Facilities were utilized from april through october for a total of over 75 days.
Hosted city of chippewa falls police, fire, and emt trianing to include k- 9, vehicle pursuit, and fire truck driving training. Hosted national night out for local police departments, emt, fire departments from chippewa falls and surrounding communities. These programs had attendance of over 3,500 people.
Public school use of facilities for graduation and other school gatherings. Facilites services for community festivals to include springfest, oktoberfest, indianheadkennel club, car show, statedartball tournament, to name a few. Total attendance for non-fair events is estimated at 28,000.